The Importance of Sleep … another look

My 2016 post on “The Importance of Sleep” has prompted a variety of reactions, and disagreements!

Here are four major issues people wonder about, as they try to figure out what is best for them:

1. How Much Sleep?

It is rare that I have two consecutive conversations with clients about this with the same conclusion. Let’s start with me. After years of juggling a schedule that often starts at 5:30 am and can conclude as late as 9:00 pm, I have figured out that seven hours of sleep is not enough for me, anything over nine hours is too much, ten hours leaves me feeling tired for the rest of the day … and eight hours seems right. That’s what works for me. Doesn’t mean it’s your solution. It just means you need to experiment over time.

2. Should I aim for the same bedtime every night?

In a perfect world, the answer is yes. The reality of life, however, is, so many things can keep that from happening regularly – extra work on deadline, a spontaneous in-depth conversation with a close friend or significant other, or a long drive home from your last appointment.

Ideally, it may be good to focus on either bedtime or wake-up time, see if one of those can be fairly regular, and keep your focus there. When you feel that one is set, then turn your attention to the other one.

3. Do Fitbits and Garmins help you achieve regular sleep?


Some say yes, some say no.

If you love technology and data in your life, all that collected information may be very helpful in guiding you to plan good sleep -- bedtimes and wake-up calls.

Those who don’t like the accumulation of data will want to rely mostly on trial and error, and common sense … and how they are feeling.

4. How about naps?!

I doubt there will ever be agreement here.

Confirmed nappers will swear that extra bit of shut-eye helps you get through the day at full energy levels, whether that means 15-minute naps, or a couple minutes on the fly, even between two or three subway stops, or pulling off the road for a bit.

Others say, “no way” when it comes to naps. You get your sleep at night. And that’s what works.

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So … in general, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the sleep questions.

I love talking with all of you because I keep getting new ideas to try out.

Keep talking to me!